About the Alliance
Braver Angels: Southern Willamette Valley Alliance is a chapter of the National Braver Angels organization. We are working in our local community (Eugene, Springfield, and surrounding areas of Lane County) to bring people of different political perspectives together for communication workshops, discussions, and public presentations designed to bridge the polarizing political divide we experience in our country. These events allow conservatives and liberals to get past the destructive stereotypes so we can better understand one another and problem-solve real issues. We hope you will join us!
We put on our first BA workshop, "Families and Politics," in the fall of 2022 and have been growing ever since. We officially became a Braver Angels Alliance in the beginning of 2024. We currently have an 11-person steering committee, divided evenly between liberals and conservatives. We meet twice a month to plan local area events. Drop us a line if you have any questions or want to attend one of our planning meetings. We'd be happy to hear from you. Please email us at swva@braverangels.org.
Alliance Co-Chair Leadership
To contact the Alliance Co-Chairs, please email lukeg@braverangels.org (blue), grantj@braverangels.org (red), or mary@braverangels.org (purple).
Luke Grossmiller Blue (Liberal) Co-Chair
Luke is a mediator with Lane County Courts where he does small claims, and a restorative justice practitioner at The Center for Dialogue and Resolution. As a case manager in the Diversion program, he assists those charged with crimes to carry out a reparations agreement to address the impacts of their actions in lieu of standard court proceedings.
Originally from New Hampshire, he has lived in Eugene since 2008, and is a nonviolence practitioner following after the example of Jesus, Gandhi, King, Marshall Rosenberg, and Miki Kashtan. He considers himself a liberal, far left, democratic socialist. He has been an activist supporting many causes including campaigning for Bernie Sanders, the environment, Black Lives Matter, standing up with indigenous people at Standing Rock, and generally transitioning from patriarchy and imperialism toward systems that serve the needs of all.
Luke immediately found alignment with the Braver Angels mission when he first heard about them. He recognized that working with Braver Angels, provided an opportunity to do something much more fundamental and consequential than just “fixing politics.” In uprooting the assumptions that we hold and learning to tell a different story about others (and ourselves), we are able to form perspectives that support more constructive behaviors (choices) and relationship outcomes.
Joining Braver Angels is a way Luke is able to share this message with others. He likes being part of a movement that is shifting the kind of societal attitudes and communication norms which lead to disfunctional relationship. He believes that there is no more important task at this time than helping people to see the good in one another, and to develop additional communication tools that build and restore trust.
Grant Johnson Red (Conservative) Co-Chair
Grant is a native of Oregon where he has recently returned and become active in the Republican party of Lane County. As a Constitutional Conservative, he believes in the core republican principles versus the current republican platform, and stands firm in the constitutional principles set forth by the founders. He particularly emphasizes that the US is a constitutional republic as stated in Article 4 of the constitution and believes that the separation of church and state is not constitutional. He believes that too much government is the problem and can become tyranny. “People elected to serve are to serve, not rule over us.”
Grant entered the Air Force after high school, serving 20 years in active duty until his retirement in 1998. He then served as a human resource manager for two family-owned companies before being recruited back to the Air Force for civil service as the Dover Air Force Base Training Manager for another 20 years.
Grant reached out to our local Braver Angels group after finding a poster about Braver Angels at the Lane County Republican office. He found the Braver Angels mission to be in alignment with a personal vision that Americans would fare better if in closer unity and communication with others who think differently, rather than continuing the divide that causes the downfall of the American experiment.
Grant understands that Braver Angels does not promise solutions to all social ills, but what it does provide is a choice and the inspiration for every individual to choose to step away from social media and major news outlets, deep dive into the subjects, and share thoughts and insights with fellow Americans in a non-threatening environment. He believes that there is a price to pay when we think in terms of “we” vs. “I”. He believes that Braver Angels offers not only the open door to enter, but also the skill-building opportunities to help us to restructure our posture as Americans
Mary Miller Purple (Independent) Co-Chair
A facilitator, mediator, and conflict resolution specialist, she has presented at national and international mediation conferences and has trained over 2,000 mediators.
Professionally, Mary provides consultation services in the nonprofit arena and facilitates meetings and retreats where emotions may be high and where tracking the details is important. For over 30 years, she has delivered a variety of soft skills courses, such as interpersonal, conflict resolution and management skills in the non-profit and business world, traveling throughout the US and internationally.
In 2013 as part of a Beyond War group, she organized and co-facilitated a Guns Rights/Gun Control workshop for the public in Medford – two months after the Sandy Hook shootings - which generated a group of conservatives and liberals who met monthly for several years.
Feeling increasingly disturbed by the intensity of feelings in the political divide, she deliberately set out to research a national organization dedicated to bridging the political divide where her experience and skills could be best utilized. Three years ago she discovered Braver Angels and since then has volunteered her time as an Organizer of national online workshops, a workshop Moderator and, more recently, as the Purple Co-Chair of the local Alliance which she was instrumental in founding.
Mary believes in discovering the Good in all souls and in helping others to bring their better self forward. She finds for herself that tapping into one's higher self is an ongoing project and she still works on being non-judgmental. Ah – but they say you teach that which you most need to learn! Mary has lived in Eugene for ten years.
Steering Committee Members
Cynthia Munyon leans blue.
John Marshall, who leans Blue, has worked with at-risk populations for most of his 40 year career. He has been a licensed teacher of special needs children from pre-school to adult, has been a hospice worker, and has also been a caregiver in senior nursing facilities, now working part-time with private clients. John has been involved in social justice issues and politics most of his life and considers himself a liberal. He was one of the first of the Steering Committee to join our local Braver Angels group, after realizing that the split in our country was very dangerous. He realized that nobody is right if everybody is wrong. He is now less concerned with his perception of right and wrong and more concerned with building and maintaining positive human connections. He wants to make a difference in this country and “to keep civility alive.”
Barry Nobel has practiced mediation for more than three decades. Since retiring from the practice of law, he has taught mediation, mindfulness, religious studies and ethics at several universities, colleges, and law schools in the West. Barry is also a co-founder of LIFE (Lane Institute of Faith & Education). From these endeavors, he has learned to value diverse viewpoints, and he has come to believe that with honest, respectful, and focused communication, considerable progress is possible on seemingly intractable problems. Barry is happy to participate in Braver Angels’ efforts to meet everyone’s needs but no one’s greed. He hopes you will consider joining us in this worthy enterprise!
Jim Glang who, unlike the rest of his family, now leans Red, has always been drawn to music, poetry, and art, reaching out to support minority groups. Jim has three adult children, he founded Crossroads Espresso and has been active in the coffee industry for 40 years, both nationally and internationally – especially as regards to branding. He has been a supporter and member of the Board of Directors of Rose Children’s Theatre. He is deeply concerned about how far the left has moved and finds himself becoming more and more conservative. He was the first conservative to join our Steering Committee. His current goal is to "live from my Heart, not my Head."
Jacqueline “Jakki” McDonald, who leans Red, has been active in leadership all her life. Having adopted a special needs child, she became a regional consultant for COPE (Coalition for Parent Education). She created and facilitated support groups and workshops in five counties for parents and guardians of special needs children to help teach advocacy, negotiation, and conflict resolution. She has also created and presented curriculums on race relations and depression. Jakki has had a varied work life as a hospice worker, NODA (No One Dies Alone) worker, pianist, water aerobics instructor, dental assistant, hospital chaplain, and volunteer in the women’s unit of the Eugene Wellness Center. Jakki feels strongly about abortion and was the development director for Rachel’s Vineyard Post-Abortion Healing Retreats. She is passionate about conflict resolution and has been active in our local Braver Angels Steering Committee, coming up with creative ideas to reach out to others. She sees learning the hard skills of listening compassionately and responding respectfully as necessary to change how America does politics and to work toward peace in our small corner of the world.
Debbie Bosche leans red.
Purple/Center or Other
Awab Al-Rawe was born and raised in Baghdad, Iraq. After the 2003 war in Iraq, and while still a child, he moved with his family as refugees to Syria. He came to Oregon as a student and earned his B.A. in International Studies and his M.S. in Conflict and Dispute Resolution from the University of Oregon. Awab currently works for Pintrest as an Ombudsman. Previously he was an ombudsperson with the Oregon Health Authority where he investigated complaints from the public, advocated on behalf of Oregonians, and worked on healthcare system improvement. He has also worked for the Department of Human Services, the Eugene Police Department. Awab has been active in leading community dialogues on issues like Israel and Palestine, and regularly presents about his experience living in the Middle East. Awab loves to play soccer, practice mediation, learn languages, and write about economic and political issues. Now leaning Purple, Awab is passionate about peace building, democracy, freedom, and justice; and this is why he is involved with Braver Angels.
Dave McLean, who now leans purple, was a registered Republican since 1980. Very involved with the Republican party of Lane County since 2018, he was elected a Precinct Committee Chairperson, and onto the local Republican Executive Board. He was also elected as an Alternate Delegate for Oregon to the 2020 Republican Convention. Some weeks after January 6, 2021, Dave resigned from all his Republican positions and changed his party affiliation to Independent. He has been actively working with Republican Voters Against Trump, this year recording a testimonial for their website, and being interviewed by the British, online newspaper, The Independent. Dave has spent 15 years as a Minerals Geologist and 23 years as a Financial Advisor. Over the past 40 years, has served on the boards of various nonprofits.